Aligning with nature cultivates mindfulness & connects us to the rhythms of the world


Slow classes

Slow morning yoga classes invite you to centre and become grounded. Guided through a series of poses to encourage strength and stability, aligned with the breath.

Taking time in your day to ‘get down on the floor, just to feel well’

Classes include meditation, breath work and a balance between movement and stillness.

We always close with savasana, the most essential pose for relaxation and integration.

Restful workshops

In a Restorative Yoga workshop the focus is on deep relaxation and rejuvenation. The body is placed in positions of comfort and ease using supportive props, such as bolsters, blankets, and blocks.

Tension and stress can be released, both physically and mentally, as we surrender to the present moment.

Poses are carefully chosen and are held for an extended period of time to promote relaxation and opening of the body, while also soothing the nervous system.

Garden Cabin sessions

Private sessions are held in the Garden Cabin, grounded in nature and surrounded by sounds of the natural world, rain on the roof, birds in the trees.

Using the principles of Restorative Yoga, it is my intention to build awareness and confidence for you to practice at home, to live well and to build up your tool kit to discover what works for you.

The Garden Cabin is a place to feel nurtured and rested. A place to rest - relax - renew.

  • Calming and rejuvenating yoga

  • Creative gifts